Marina López

Illustrator and comic artist




- Payment only via Paypal, in euros (€).- Payment will be 50% upfront and 50% once the piece is finished (I will send you a low ressolution image before you make the final payment).- I reserve the right to post the comission on my social media and to use it in my portfolio (crediting you).- All changes have to be done during the sketch stage, after that, major changes will have an extra cost.- Comissions only for personal use.- The prices stated here are a base price, it may change depending on the complexity of the artwork.- I have the right to reject a comission.


About me


Comic - Ashes court

One day, Mon starts seeing strange creatures. She doesn't know why, but it seems that one of those creatures is following here... A big and bloody white dog.
While trying to figure out what's happening to her, she meets a lot of creatures, and gets involved in a lot of strange situations.

Concept Art - Vigilia

Vigilia is the visual development for a puzzle videogame, where we have to travel through 7 nightmares. All the nightmares are based in phobias and inspired by history of art movements.

How to make a rainbow

Illustration project for children.
The story follows little spirits that collect colours from different things to make rainbows.